Lewis Puller enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1918 at the age of twenty. That day he and the Corps formed a bond that would forever link them together in history. "Chesty" received his nickname for his barrel chest, but he became a legend in his own time while serving valiantly in Haiti, Nicaragua, the Pacific during WW2, and Korea. His record of earning five Navy Crosses for valor has never been matched, nor has his place in Marine Corps history as one of the finest combat officers ever. Good night, Chesty Puller, wherever you are!

Monday, October 4, 2010

General Lewis Puller Pictures

More pictures of one of the finest leaders in United States Marine Corps History, our man Chesty Puller.

Chesty Puller at Inchon 1950

Puller, General Holland "Howlin' Mad" Smith, and Wives 1953

Puller conducting a foot inspection in Korea

Young Marine Captain Puller

Lt. Colonel Puller during World War Two 1943

Many of these photos came from the book
Chesty -- The Story Of Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller, USMC

I can't stress how good this book is. If you want to learn about Chesty, it is a MUST READ!

Chesty: The Story of Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller, USMC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

General Principles of marine inspection companies
The time-honoured way to test steel plating is by striking it with a hammer. The advantage of this test is
that it replicates a mild or moderate collision with flotsam, or a harbour wall, and so indicates whether
the stem, or plating or an A-bracket, or any vulnerable part, is strong enough to withstand this level of
impact. It is also an indication of how thick the steel is to an experienced independent marine surveyor. Hammer testing is
quick, reliable, inexpensive, repeatable, largely unaffected by survey conditions such as wet or windy
weather, and is good at establishing whether there is severe corrosion. Limitations include a lack of what
might be called “fine tuning” in that even a skilled surveyor can seldom detect such differences as 20%
or 40% rusting where the remaining plating still retains a good amount of sound steel. Hammer testing
is particularly useful down in the bilge where corrosion is common and often serious. Here it can be
difficult to get the steel surface clean enough to use an ultrasonic tester with confidence. Also there are
places so far down below the cargo surveyor Dubaithat he cannot hold a sonic transducer against the steel, whereas
he can strike effectively with a long-handled hammer. This technique is also good in other locations such
as in a chain locker where access is poor but the plating or framing is within reach of a hammer with a
long handle. Another feature of hammer testing is its simplicity. With ultrasonics an unfailing source of
electricity is essential, not to mention calibrating, recording, adjusting, and so on. There is nothing so
“bomb-proof” as a hammer, in contrast to an electronic instrument. A limitation to hammer testing is that
it can seldom be used on well-painted steel without written permission from the owner or his
representative. Hard epoxy paint is likely to be damaged by serious hammering. Even moderately
unenergetic hammering will destroy the paint on steel as it chips away the covering right down to the base
metal and, as a result, building up a new paint coat has to start with flatting off the old paint and
beginning with new primer, right through coating by coating, to the final high quality continuous finish.
For more: http://www.marinesurveyordubai.com/marine-surveyor-dubai-why-us/

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